Recent Past

I built performance instrumentation for Instana (and previously Tracelytics) that provides visibility into distributed application stacks. Visibility consists of key metrics and distributed tracing of requests across processes, hosts, clouds and serverless.

As requests and data are processed in distributed applications, the instrumentation times and traces the execution path of the processing across process and host boundaries.

Ruby Distributed Tracing

My focus was on Python and Ruby performance instrumentation although I also did similar work in Go and Node.js.

Open Source

I contribute to a large number of open source projects. See the Projects page or my Github profile for more details.

Published Articles

Article Originally Posted At
The Ultimate Guide on How to Use MQTT with Node.js HiveMQ Blog
HiveMQ MQTT C# Client (BETA) HiveMQ Blog
Monitoring Python with Instana (Dead Link) Instana Blog
Zero-Effort, Fully Automatic Distributed Tracing for Python Performance Instana Blog
Python Application Monitoring, Automatic Tracing and OpenTracing (Dead Link) Instana Blog & DZone
Introducing the Instana Python REST API Client (Dead Link) Instana Blog
Instrumenting Ruby on Rails with TraceView in Under 10 Minutes DZone

Note: After IBM acquired Instana, they axed most if not all pre-acquisition Instana blog posts.

Recent Community Groups & Conferences

  • 2018 PyCon in Cleveland, Ohio
  • 2016-2017 Various OpenTracing Community Meetups in Seattle, WA., Berlin, Germany and other venues.

Research, Interests & Hobbies



Currently at HiveMQ as a Staff Software Engineer building out their excellent MQTT and Sparkplug client ecosystem.


Company Area Work Done
Performance Instrumentation Performance monitoring for Ruby, Python, Go & Node.js plus a bit of magic.
Performance Instrumentation Built a Ruby instrumentation gem that provided performance visibility into 9 Ruby versions, 6 Ruby frameworks and 14 libraries (gems)
Distributed Filesystems Built a Multi-Path Filesystem for High Performance Computing environments
Genomic Services Built systems to support Gene Sequencing machines